Friday, November 07, 2008


Today, I heard that Texas blivot (10 pounds of shit in a two pound bag) Roach Limburger say that he was speaking for the 87 million people who voted against Obama. Well, I voted against Obama and Roach does not speak for me in any way whatsoever. And I'm sure that his dodohead followers don't number anywhere close to 87 million.

For the past two or three weeks, I've been hearing Roach belittle the "drive-by media" and all the polls that indicated the voters were swinging in Obama's direction. He predicted over and over again that McCain would take Pennsylvania. He also predicted a McCain victory in the battleground states of Ohio, Virginia and Florida. The day before the election he predicted that McCain would pull off a last minute win.

The Texas blivot is a real sore loser. For the last three days, I've been hearing Roach deal with McCain's defeat by mocking Obama, his wife and even his children. Each time he does so, he follows it up with that phony forced laugh of his - "he he he."

Roach just cannot bring himself to admit to his dodoheads that he was absolutely wrong in all of his election predictions. Instead, he is resorting to sarcastic blurbs about Obama and his family. The Texas blivot couldn't resist taking a swipe at Obama's children for being ushered off of the stage in Chicago's Grant Park - he he he - as the president elect was about to begin his victory speech. How low can you get?

As far as I'm concerned, Limburger has absolutely no class. I find it hard to comprehend how Roach has been able to maintain the loyalty of his dodoheads, many of whom are well educated. I guess it just goes to show that there are a lot of educated idiots besides those in academia. The Texas blivot is a disgrace to the conservatives he claims to represent.

Hmmmm, come to think of it, I wonder if Roach even believes the hogwash he's been putting out all these years. He may very well be one of the greatest con artists of all time, conning his adoring dodoheads with a daily dose of 10 pounds of shit from the two pound bag that he is, as he takes his money - he he he - all the way to the bank.

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