Friday, February 06, 2009


I have a leftie pal who has a very different take on Pat Buchanan's defense of white America which I posted on my blog yesterday. In fairness to all concerned, here is his response:

I read your introduction and Buchanan's piece is still unmitigated bullshit. As you point out, blacks were and to some degree still are getting the short end of the stick, but Buchanan, like so many of his ilk, chooses to use numbers in a way that is crap.

Of course blacks steal from whites more than blacks. Remember Willie Horton's answer to why he robbed banks (that's where the money is) so it makes sense.

Yes, the older generation of Jackson and Sharpton have worn out their welcomes, but so far as gratitude goes what are blacks supposed to say; "Thank you master for letting us off the farm and lives as share croppers, and out of second or third rate schools, and keeping us out of unions where the pay rate is better than doing pick up work?"

The problem here is that Buchanan is the last of the racists left over from the administration of a president (Nixon) who resigned rather than face the music. People like that should not be provided a platform to spread their hate, no matter how many kernels of truth they may plant in their rants.

1 comment:

Centurion said...

I read both Buchanan's reasonable, well researched (but admittedly politically incorrect) article and your "pal's" emotional response to it.

The only one doing any ranting and hate mongoring is your lefty pal.