Wednesday, May 04, 2011


Like him or not, you have to give the president credit for his part in the planning and execution of the Navy’s SEAL Team Six raid on Bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan. It is Obama’s biggest triumph since he took office and will strengthen even more his already fairly strong reelection chances.

The killing of Bin Laden, long overdue, was a great feat for our intelligence services, our military and our president, one that is being rightfully celebrated by the American people and people in other parts of the world.

However, it didn’t take the skeptics long to crawl out from under their rocks. With the quick disposal of Osama’s corpse, the birther-like doubters are already hard at work telling us that you can’t trust the government and that it wasn’t really Bin Laden who was killed. Conflicting accounts of how the raid went down – Osama opened fire on the SEALs with an automatic weapon, he was unarmed; Osama used a woman as a shield, he did not; Osama’s wife jumped in front of him, she did not – added fuel to the doubters’ flames.

Unfortunately for the Republicans, the lunatic fringe is not going to influence any election. Unless the sky falls in on the Obama administration between now and November 2012, the reelection of President Obama is all but assured.

EDITOR’S NOTE – Here are responses I got from people who received an advance copy of this post:

Patrick wrote: I disagree 100%.

As a former Navy Seal said at the end of Rush's show today, Obama HAD to do it. The only choice he may have made is by what means.

Here's a lil' inside shit for ya: did you see the puppeteer in the back of Obama in the situation room pics? His name is Bill Daley...the way this has been conducted (burial at sea, etc ) has been a joke. However, it has Daley fingerprints all over it. They can throw red herrings around the room with the best of them.

BTW, about 75% percent of the info released has been bullshit is MY guess. The problem is, neither Obama's admin, nor his personality (narcissistic) prevents him from doing anything in secret. He coulda said, "no comment" after the raid. It would have driven his syncophants nuts (uh that would be the press and his pseudo-tough lefts supporters). But he couldn't take the "heat".

By the way, that pubescent press secretary today said OBL was not armed when he was shot. That pretty much makes this an assassination. I mean, where WERE the beanbags?

The economy is what will control this election.......the bump will be gone in a week.

The assumptions flying around regarding this story could fill the Atlantic Ocean. For instance, how would anyone recognize the corpse that was put into the ocean.

"Disinformation"! Chant it 100 times.

I know the folks who trained Obama. My sister taught his kids. People still have no idea about what he is. Why hide your academic records? Could it be his dad was someone else? Why hide your birth cert? Because, he can manipulate the issue. Bill Daley's savior is Goebbels, not Jesus. All because Obama is Black.

Don't you get it?

Dave wrote: Due to the eradication of Osama the polls have Obama's popularity up by a whopping one point. This jump in the polls may not be enough to ensure his reelection. Predicting the outcome this far out is a waste of time. There are too many variables. We don't even know who he will be running against.

Randy wrote: Did you write this or did you get it from Ed Schultz?

The mission carried out by our Military was great! We celebrate them, not this president.

Isn't it curious how Obama's name is similar to Usama/Osama (I've seen it spelled both ways) Bin Laden, and his middle name is Hussein (like Saddam). No conspiracy theory here, just what are the odds?

Just a few years ago this group of SEALs were considered a "hit squad" for Bush and Chaney by Obama and his liberal ilk.

Cois wrote: Good words. I believe that "W" Bush should get some credit also. It was under his administration that the intelligence gathering system was designed. On the other hand; Bush, Clinton and Congress have to take credit for the poor intelligence system existing before 911.

Fred wrote: Since the Republicans are hell bent on cutting support programs for the elderly, poor, and education, it is fairly certain that BHO will have another 4 years in the WH.

Ralph wrote: You [the editor, not Fred] could be right in your assessment, but I hope you are wrong for the sake of my grandchildren and their kids.

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