Wednesday, June 10, 2015


State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby wanted drug activities stopped at the intersection where Freddie Gray was arrested

By Bob Walsh

PACOVILLA Corrections blog
June 9, 2015

Another interesting fact has surfaced today in the now-notorious Freddy Gray case. It seems that the police presence at the specific intersection where Freddy Gray was arrested by the Baltimore P D was at the direct request of the State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby who brought the charges against the officers.

Three days before the arrest, Mosby contacted the police brass with the assertion that the locals were complaining of increased drug activity at that intersection and the request that the cops increase their presence there. Her husband is also the City Councilman who represents that area of the city.

Fortunately the notification to the cops went out via email and many of the cops, including the senior officer charged in the case, were on the email distribution list.

So it seems that those mean, evil cops who arrested Freddie Gray were there making drug busts at the request of the prosecutor who is now persecuting them.

It seems that maybe this case is coming apart even faster than some people predicted. I wonder if Ms. Mosby will now be disqualified from trying the case. Not only is there the claim of prejudicial conduct it now seems that she might very well be called as a witness in the case.

Curiouser and curiouser.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Sorry Bob, but celebrations about Marilyn Mosby’s missteps are all for naught. Nothing alters the facts that the arrest was questionable to begin with and that the arresting cops ignored several requests by Freddie Gray for medical aid.

While the bicycle cops may have been there to stop drug activities, no reports have come forth that before the chase began which led to his arrest, Gray was observed selling or buying drugs, or that the cops found any drugs on him when they caught him..

As for the murder charge against the driver of the paddy wagon, that is a real stretch. Unless you get an all-black prejudiced jury, I do not see how that charge can stand up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The state prosecutor in Baltimore has bitten off more than she can chew.

The slowest job at the PD is recruiting.