Tuesday, October 25, 2016


By Bob Walsh

Kathleen Kane, 50, used to be real hot stuff in the Democrat political arena and was the Attorney General for Pennsylvania. She is now a number on an orange jump suit.

Kane was sentenced to from 10-23 months as a guest of the people of the state with an additional eight years probation. The sentencing judge asserted that her revenge scheme was the result of her "all-consuming ego" and her inability to make the transition from politician to civil servant. She was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice as well as a buttload of assorted misdemeanors..

She is currently free on $75,000 pending appeal. Her 15-year old son sniveled to the judge for leniency. She argued that loss of her law license and career was adequate punishment. She did not testify at her trial.

She was convicted for having a political aide leak confidential information to a press source, then tried to frame a political rival as the leaker. She then lied under oath about the whole mess.

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