Friday, December 06, 2019


France is paralyzed by worst nationwide strike for decades, with schools shutting and public transport grinding to a halt, as furious public sector workers protest Macron's pension reforms

Daily Mail
December 5, 2019

More than half a million demonstrators have marched on cities throughout France, with railway workers, teachers and hospital staff joining the largest strikes in decades.

Authorities in Paris barricaded the presidential palace and deployed some 6,000 police as activists, many in yellow vests, gathered for a major march aimed at forcing President Emmanuel Macron to abandon his pension reform plans.

Officers were forced to use tear gas to disperse rioters who set fire to a vehicle and smashed windows as tensions heightened close to the Place de la Republique square.


Trey Rusk said...

Pension reform is long overdue. Workers who were promised a nice pension don't want to hear it. Nobody does, but there is no money due to drop programs and progressive investments that turned out to be nothing but pyramid schemes. This is happening world wide. If it's too good to be true, it probably isn't.

bob walsh said...

The French are still pissed that they are no longer the tall dogs in the world. They are really pissed because we had to save their ass during WWI and rescue their ass during WWII. They have been staring this situation in the face for years, and it is finally ready to bite them on the ass, and they still don't see it. They are turning into Greece.