Tuesday, June 23, 2020


by Bob Walsh

CA is likely to be $54 billion in the shitter with their state budget for the coming fiscal year.  Already they have gotten a two-day-per-month furlough agreement from SEIU Local 1000, which will save roughly $3 billion.  The governor will continue to pressure other state employee groups other than the CHP and CalFire into accepting furloughs in lieu of layoffs.  

In addition the current budget proposal does assume a huge visit from the money fairy.  The plan presupposed the federal government is going to kick down tens of billions of dollars to CA, just because.

The fallback plan is to find a Unicorn and squeeze it's stomach really hard so it will shit out gold bars.  I think that has probably roughly the same probability as the feds kicking down several tens of billions of dollars or Howie becoming the next Pope.

By pretending the budget is really balanced the rapacious bastards in the state house get to continue to receive their pay.  Ins't that special?

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