Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Netanyahu: John Kerry Wanted ‘Afghanistan Model’ for Palestinians, I Refused the Offer


Israel Today 

August 18, 2021



U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, left, speaks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a meeting in Berlin, Germany Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015. Kerry and Netanyahu called Thursday for an immediate end to incitement blamed for a recent deadly wave of Palestinian attacks against Israelis. 

With the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban, despite a decade of American efforts to build a strong central government and military force there, many are wondering what are the lessons for Israel.

Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he already learned those lessons long before the debacle in Kabul last week, and prevented the Americans from repeating them here.

“In 2013, I was approached by then-US Secretary of State John Kerry to quietly visit Afghanistan to see, according to him, how the United States had built a local military force that could stand on its own against terrorism,” Netanyahu posted to Facebook on Wednesday.

He said the clear message from the Americans was that they’d like to replicate the “Afghanistan Model” among the Palestinians, as a means of facilitating a final status peace agreement that Israel could accept.

“I politely refused the offer,” continued Netanyahu. “I foresaw that once the US leaves Afghanistan, everything would collapse. And this is what we now unfortunately see, an extremist Islamic regime that will endanger world peace has taken over Afghanistan.”

The exact same thing will happen if the Palestinians are granted full sovereignty, warned Bibi. “The Palestinians will not establish Singapore. They will establish a terrorist state in Judea and Samaria, a short distance from Tel Aviv,” he stressed.

At the end of the day, Netanyahu insisted, “we must not rely on others to keep us safe. Only we can protect ourselves.”


Dave Freeman said...

“I politely refused the offer,” continued Netanyahu. “I foresaw that once the US leaves Afghanistan, everything would collapse.

Because anyone who would rely on anything Joe Biden or John Kerry has to say is a fool.

bob walsh said...

True dat. Helpful friends are nice but how many of your friends would you literally bet your life on?

V. Teitelbaum said...

Because he is a Zionist and he wants Jews to hate Arabs and Arabs to hate Jews. It’s the Zionist playbook. Jews and Muslims lived together peacefully for hundreds of years until the satanic state of “Israel ” was established by self hating atheist thugs who detested the Jewish religion.