Monday, November 01, 2021


By Howie Katz

Now that the Climate Change Conference is in progress, here is my list of major contributors to global warming.


visible exhaust

                                    Vehicle emissions


Southwest Airlines
                                       Jet plane emissions

                            Factory and power plant emissions 


Higher oil price stirs only guarded optimism in Louisiana’s oil patch as uncertainty looms _lowres
                                                               Petro-chemical plants

Holstein cows                                                               Cows   


Komodo dragon                                       Kamala Harris: Every time she laughs


            Biden and Trump: Every time either one opened his mouth


Sheila Maxine
Congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee and Maxine Waters: Hot greenhouse gases from their big mouths

                                  Gas powered lawnmowers


And here are the three counties  that contribute the most carbon emissions


most polluted cities                                                     India





50 Dirtiest U.S. Power Plants Huge Contributor to Carbon Emissions

                                                                      United States


At the conference in Glasgow, Scotland, President Biden apologized to the leaders from more than 100 countries about former President Trump having pulled the US  out of the Paris Accords on climate change.

Biden also all but promised to take the US back to the Stone Age and urged the other countries to do the same in order to stop global warming.  Biden said that by switching from fossil fuels to solar energy, millions of jobs would be created.  What he did not say was that many millions of jobs that depend on fossil fuels would be lost.

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