Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Just recently, the United Kingdom removed the Holocaust from its school curriculum because it offended the Muslims in Britain who claim Nazi Germany's attempt to exterminate the Jews never occurred. Why in the world should Muslims be offended by the teaching of the Holocaust, an event that had absolutely nothing to do with the believers in their faith? Why? Because Muslims, by and large, hate Jews.

This hatred of Jews started long before the birth of the State of Israel and the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. During the Nazi era, most Arab leaders openly expressed their admiration and support for Adolf Hitler because of his regime's efforts to eradicate the Jews throughout all of Europe. Hatred by Muslims is not confined to the hatred of Jews. The Quran leads true believers in the Muslim faith to hate all infidels, and that includes followers of the Christian faith.

At this time, Saudi Arabian government school textbooks refer to Christians and Jews as enemies of Muslims, equate Christians to swine and Jews to apes, and urge the faithful to spread the faith by waging Jihad (Holy War) against Christians and Jews. (For more details, refer to my blog MILITANT MUSLIMS: EXTREMISTS OR TRUE BELIEVERS?, June 16, 2006.)

It's about time the Western World stopped all this gobbledygook about radical Muslims as opposed to moderate Muslims. Those that hate infidels are not radical Islamists. They are fundamentalist Muslims, the true belivers in the teachings of Muhammad. Islamists are no more radical than Orthodox Jews, the fundamentalists of the Jewish faith. While Orthodox Jews disparage Reform Jews as "Christians without Christ," Islamists deem Muslims who have assimilated into Western society as infidels. The only real radicals among Muslims are those Islamists who become involved in suicide bombings.

Why teach about the Holocaust? When America and the rest of Europe became aware of the Nazi persecution and extermination of Jews, those nations stood idly by. They did nothing when the Nazis forced Jews into ghettos, banned them from most jobs, and identified them with the mandatory wearing of yellow stars, all well before they herded them into concentration camps where six million Jews were exterminated. Hopefully, as a result of teaching the Holocaust, the world will never again stand idly by in the event any identifiable group is targeted for genocide.

Why did the British kowtow to this Muslim hatred of Jews? England and Western Europe are beset with a large Muslim immigrant population which has not assimilated into European society. Having brought along their religious hatreds, these immigrants have committed acts of terrorism and stroked the fires of resurgent anti-Semitism throughout the region. The European governments are extremely fearful they will continue to be targets of Muslim terrorism carried out by the true believers in the teachings of Muhammad.

The British are fooling themselves if they believe that, by caving in to the hatred of Jews, they will be safe from Muslim terrorism. Appeasement never works. They should have learned that from the Nazi era. When in 1938, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain appeased Hitler to prevent a war between England and Germany, the Fuehrer saw this as a sign of weakness which only fed his appetite for world conquest.

The British should show some Churchillian backbone by standing up to Muslims and their hatreds, and by restoring the Holocaust to the school curriculum. Jews were not the only Nazi victims. Teaching the Holocaust can also serve as a memorial to the 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians, and 1,900 Catholic priests who, in addition to the six million Jews, died at the hands of Hitler's Germany.

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