Friday, June 05, 2009

BROKAW HAS LOST HIS MIND Either That Or He's An Anti-Semite Of The Worst Kind

I couldn’t believe what I heard on this morning’s NBC Today Show. Tom Brokaw was interviewing President Obama about his scheduled visit to Buchenwald, the infamous Nazi concentration camp.

Brokaw asked the president, "What can the Israelis learn from your visit to Buchenwald? AND WHAT SHOULD THEY BE THINKING ABOUT THEIR TREATMENT OF PALESTINIANS?"

How dare Brokaw imply that there is even a speck of similarity between the slaughter of 6,000,000 Jews by the Nazis and the treatment of Palestinians by the Israelis.

To his credit, Obama immediately cut that analogy off at the heels. The president told Brokaw, "Well, look, there’s no equivalency here." And there sure as hell isn’t!

What can the Israelis learn from the president’s visit to Buchenwald? What was Broakaw thinking? It’s not what the Israelis can learn, it’s what the world can learn from Buchenwald. There probably would not be an Israel in the first place if it were not for the Holocaust. President Ahmadinejad of Iran, a Holocaust denier, must be applauding Brokaw right now.

I rarely ever agree with anything Rush Limbaugh has to say. But I agree with what he had to say this morning about Brokaw’s interview with the president. Rush was quick to give Obama credit for saying there was no equivalency between Hitler’s treatment of the Jews and their treatment of the Palestinians. And Limbaugh condemned Brokaw’s comparison in no uncertain terms.

Limbaugh pointed out that ever since they were attacked by and then defeated the Arabs during the Six Day War, the Israelis have been pressured into making concessions without any concessions asked in return of the Palestinians. He also pointed out that whenever the Israelis gave up lands they captured in 1967, all they got in return was suicide bombers and rocket fire.

Brokaw or some of his apologists will probably say he misspoke. Having listened to him for many years, I can say with certainty that Tom Brokaw does not misspeak.

If Tom Brokaw hasn’t lost his mind, then he is an anti-Semite of the worst kind. I no longer have any respect whatsoever for that man. When Brokaw passes on, may he rot in Hell!

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