Friday, November 06, 2009


A deadly formula: Nutty Psychiatrist + Devout Muslim = Islamist Terrorist

It has been reported that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the son of Palestinian immigrants, shouted "Allahu Akbar!" (Arabic for “God is Great”) at the start of his shooting rampage at Ft. Hood in which 13 were killed and more than 30 wounded. That is also what suicide bombers yell just before they blow themselves up to kingdom-come along with their innocent targeted victims. This homegrown terrorist was a devout Muslim.

Six months ago, Hasan came to the attention of law enforcement authorities because of Internet postings in which he declared that suicide bombers served a noble cause, equating them to soldiers who throw themselves on a grenade to save the lives of their comrades.

Hasan is a psychiatrist. I have a very close doctor friend who is an internist. Long ago he told me that many psychiatrists have serious mental problems of their own. Is it possible that a homegrown terrorist will be spawned when you have a nutty psychiatrist who is also a devout Muslim? It sure looks like it.

I do find it hard to believe that only one shooter can hit so many people by using only handguns. NBC military analyst, retired army Col. Jack Jacobs, a Medal of Honor recipient, expressed the same doubts and suspects that some of those shot were hit by friendly fire.

Muslim leaders throughout the U.S. reacted very quickly to the Ft. Hood shootings, claiming that their faith prohibits the killing of another human being. That’s a crock! As with other religions, Muslims have a history of killing millions in the name of their faith. The prophet Muhammad ordered the faithful to conquer the world with the clarion call of “Death to the Infidels.”

Hasan has been reported as voicing a strong opposition to America’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was on the verge of being deployed to Afghanistan. He sure looks like a homegrown terrorist who, in the name of Allah, was determined to keep those he shot from being sent to fight Muslims in Afghanistan.

1 comment:

Centurion said...

Thanks Howard. All we're hearing on the MSN is how this poor mentally disturbed man probably suscumbed to stress. They're so afraid of sounding politically incorrect that many of them are dancing all around the obvious. There is very little mention of the radical muslim component.

This tragic incident may have resulted from a combination of all three.....a mentally disturbed muslim man who believed he could not kill fellow muslims, under the stress of being processed to deploy to a muslim country.

Interestingly, as a psychiatrist, he would not likely have been called on to kill anyone.

Obviously, his religious ideology over rode any feelings of loyalty or comraderie he should have felt towards his American comrads in arms.