Wednesday, November 25, 2009


By Bob Walsh

PacoVilla’s Corrections blog
November 24, 2009

Tyler Witt will face an adult trial in El Dorado [California] County for murder in the death of her mother. The young woman is looking at the possibility of life without parole if convicted (unless of course the Supreme Court throws that penalty into the dustbin for crimes committed while under 18).

………. the now 15-year old Ms. Witt and her 19 year old boyfriend are believed to have murdered her allegedly abusive mother. There is actually damn little doubt that they did it. The only real question is what forum the young woman's trial would take place in.

There are few possibilities left. The trial could be moved due to extensive local publicity. They could be tried together, they could be tried separately, they could even be tried together but with separate juries (though that rarely happens).

For Ms. Witt then the question becomes can she make herself out to be the poor little abused girl, manipulated by a much older guy into setting her mother up for murder? The flip side is that she is a sexually manipulative psychobitch who tricked her boyfriend into helping off her mom because mommie didn't want her banging a 19 year old, or maybe anybody else for that matter.

We have one person dead, who maybe wasn't much of a mother but probably didn't deserve to die for that. We have two more people, obviously more than a little disturbed, looking at sucking up huge amounts of public resources for years and years and years. Sometimes there are no good answers and what you are left with just plain sucks.

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