Monday, July 07, 2014


More than 60 people were shot during the July Fourth weekend, and more than 1,100 have been shot in Chicago since January 1

The City of Chicago has some of the strictest gun control laws in this country. That hasn’t stopped the criminals and gangbangers from shooting up the city. During the July Fourth weekend (Friday through Sunday), more than 60 people were shot, with at least nine killed. At least 14 people were shot during one 12 hour overnight period.

Since January 1, more than 1,100 people have been shot in Chicago.

So how is that strict gun control working out for Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s Chicago? Very well indeed! The crooks and gangbangers are controlling the guns. The only problem is that with only nine killed out of 60 people shot, the shooters are badly in need of some serious practice time at shooting ranges.

UPDATE: The latest figures for the City of Chicago show that between 4 p.m. Thursday and 3:30 a.m. Monday, a total of 82 people were shot with 14 of them killed.

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