Tuesday, October 11, 2016


By Bob Walsh

Four weeks from today we will decide (depending from which direction you look at it) if we are going to turn the country over to an incompetent misogynistic buffoon or an incompetent pathological liar who is, simultaneously, the smartest woman who has ever lived and too fucking stupid to carry and operate more than one personal electronic device and well as having a really bad memory.

I do not believe that we get the government we deserve. I do believe we get the government we tolerate. I just hope the pseudo-conservative Republicans can hold onto the senate so that, if the Hildebeast does carry the day, they can at least keep her from putting Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and ever other left-wing lunatic in the country on the Supreme Court, thereby pretty much destroying both the first and second amendments to the constitution.

You think it can't happen? You are deluded.

EDITOR’S NOTE: I think Hillary is going to take down ballot Democrats with her. That means the Republicans will lose the Senate and possibly even the House. We’re fucked! And by whom? Trump!


Anonymous said...

If I were Trump, I would expect more to come. This guy was not a politician and thus did not talk like a politician prior to his running for President. I would also put out a statement to that effect just to off set the rest of the recordings that will come out.

bob walsh said...

I am unsure I would blame Trump for this, at least not 100% and maybe not even mostly. He is a creation (IMHO) of the Republican party talking big shit and refusing to even TRY to deliver for years. Had the party mainstream made a serious attempt to deliver the goods they promised over and over and over again Trump would never have gotten the traction that he has.