Tuesday, December 03, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Lisa Page has been low profile for two years, since the excrement hit the air circulation device with her name on it. Her stupid trail of emails with her married-to-somebody-else squeeze at the FBI showed both of them working hard against Donald Trump while they were supposed to be working for the FBI.

She has decided to speak up, asserting in a very positive manner that she has done absolutely nothing illegal.

I am kind of wondering if her sudden lack of reticence has something to do with the Horowitz FISA report due to come out in one week. Perhaps she believes she will be a prominent player in that report, and may even be the subject of a referral for prosecution, so she wants to get her licks in when she can get a few uncontested free hits.

Hell, it might even work for her.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

Hasn't this bitch embarrassed the FBI and her family enough?