Monday, November 02, 2020


by Bob Walsh

About 130 years ago Carl Jung first used the word Synchronicity.   It refers to things that are seemingly related but have no obvious causal relationship.  It seems to me that this term might very well apply to what will happen tomorrow (and possibly in dribs and drabs over the next few weeks).  

The first component is Donald Trump.  He is not quite the "accidental president" that Gerald Ford was, but he is close.  Many people thought he was a dilettante playing at being a politician.  When he started getting traction many of his own party tried to undercut him.  When he actually won the nomination a flurry of "never Trumpers" started shouting at the top of their lungs about how much of a reprobate he was, how "unpresidential" he was.  They were to some extent correct.  He didn't play the game correctly.  When someone hit him he didn't smile and keep going, he hit back.  Hard.  His manner of speaking is irritating.  About every fifth word out of his mouth is a superlative.  He repeats himself a lot.  He blasts stuff out on Twitter with no filter at all.  He steps in it once in a while big time.  Yet his supporters continue to support him.  

The second component is Joe Biden.  He has been in active politics for 47 years.  He was a friend of segregationists.  He gave the eulogy for Senator Robert Bird, formerly Grand Kleagle of the Klu Klux Klan.  He pointed out how well he got along and worked with segregationists early in his career.  He has done so recently.  His chief opponent was an acknowledged Socialist even older than he is.  A fake native American woman was a strong secondary opponent.  Yet he persevered and won his party's nomination.  Then he took a nap.  A LONG nap.  He hid out in his basement and wrapped up his campaign every day before noon.  There is significant reason to belief he has some real mental defect related to his age or his medical history.  You could also place Kamala Harris into the same basket.  She is mentally much more solid than Joe but has no real core of her own.  She will go whichever way she thinks will benefit her personally and has thus far managed to duck most of the flying mud.  For instance, she is a huge believer in the notion of "looking into" the idea of slavery reparations.  Even though her family was arguably the largest slave owner in Jamaica where her father is from and even though there are in fact NO living people in the United States who formerly owned slaves or who were formerly held legally as slaves.  All of this is ignored by his party and his supporters.   

The third component is the Legacy Media.  They are clearly functioning as the propaganda arm for the Democrat National Committee.  There is no real question about that.  They attack Trump over nothing.  Support Biden when he stumbles.  Now they are trying with considerable success to ignore the Hunter Biden financial scandal to death, because it directly involves Joe Biden.  They are aided in this effort by the tech moguls such as FaceBook and Twitter who are deliberately burying stories and stifling opinion that does not fit their narrative.  There is no question that this is happening.  It is a fact.

The fourth component is the American police, who have done some incredibly stupid things, even criminal things, that have cast many of our institutions in a poor light and given hard-core leftists a point to attack.  Some of these acts have been created or pushed by the media even though they are factually false.  For instance, Mike Brown and "Hands Up Don't Shoot."  It was completely fabricated.  Never happened.  Nevertheless many people, even people in the middle of the political road, BELIEVE it happened that way.  There are of course unfortunately several other instances of police use of force where that use of force was at least grossly inappropriate and even criminal.  This has led to a "defund the police" movement that is getting real support from people who simply don't know any better but who should know better.  Much of this support is shallow or illusory, but after tomorrow it might not matter.  

The fifth component is the hard-core left themselves.  The AntiFa and BLM crowd.  Under ordinary circumstances they would be a fringe group, barely tolerated and often shut down by the police and the media.  Not now.  With the aid of funding from sources not yet fully revealed and true believers and fellow travelers in the political establishment, these groups are being presented as mainstream.  Even legit organizations within professional sports are supporting them.  BLM is in fact a Marxist organization which supports violence to achieve political goals.  AntiFa is, despite their names, fascists.  They are fascists from the left but they are fascists none the less.  They shout down and attack their opponents to stifle opposition.  These attacks are often physical, real attacks.  They have been aided by politicians in places like Portland and Milwaukee and have been allowed to become a quasi-governmental force.  Portland had over 100 straight nights of riots, described by the legacy media as "mostly peaceful demonstrations."

The sixth component is the hard-core left wing of the Democrat party.  I am talking about Ilham Omar and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.  These are people who hate American and want to bring America down.  That is not hyperbole.  It is fact.  They were at first opposed by the traditional "liberal" wing of the party like Diane Feinstein and (marginally) Nancy Pelosi as well as kleptocrats like Maxine Waters.  Pelosi has now signed on for the ride, in hopes it will bring her more power and allow her to hold onto her seat.  Feinstein has been marginalized by her own party because she is not hard enough left.  Maxine Waters ( the modern Adam Clayton Powell) is staying low, in order to keep amassing power and stealing everything that isn't nailed down..    

These components will all come together tomorrow.  One candidate is immensely flawed and does not seem remotely interested in taking direction from his advisors.  He shoots from the hip and is often irritation.  The second candidate has no real core, he is like a political weathervane.  The hard core left thinks they can control him (probably they are right) and use him and his administration to fundamentally alter the bedrock of American political life.  They want to destroy the first and second amendments to the Constitution of the United States and create the political momentum to ensure the long-term and maybe permanent far left-wing Democrat control of the nation.  Right now, with the circumstances that exist at this moment, it is not an unrealistic goal.  They COULD do it.  If they manage to make DC and Puerto Rico states and pack the Supreme Court it is very doable.  Dumping the Electoral College is probably a bridge too far, but that doesn't mean they won't try.  Once they get the courts and the legislature it might not matter anyway.  

Make no mistake.  It is completely possible that America as we have known it will cease to exist after inauguration day this coming January.  Hold on to your ass, it is going to be a wild ride.


Anonymous said...

Apply Phosphorescent paint to your front sites.

bob walsh said...

I prefer dayglo orange nail polish, but to each his own.