Friday, July 11, 2008


The other day, I listened to part of Jesse Jackson's press conference during which he tried to babble his way out of the open-mic comments he made about cutting Obama's nuts off. Jackson's remarks were unintelligible and incoherrent as he listed what sounded like a liturgy of all his past civil rights accomplishments. Age appears to have reduced Jesse from a flamboyant rhymer to a mumbling babbler.

By now everyone is aware of what led to Jackson's press conference. Last Sunday morning, while waiting during a break on Fox News Channel, Jackson turned to another guest and whispered some disparaging remarks about Obama. Apparently he was not aware that his mic was open.

Here is what Jesse Jackson said about Senator Obama: "See, Barack's been talking down to black people on this faith-based. I wanna cut his nuts off. Barack, he's talking down to black people."

What got Jackson's dander up was that Obama has been addressing audiences at black churches and, like Bill Cosby, chiding black men for failing to take responsibilty as fathers. Jackson had been one of many blacks who took offense to Cosby's criticisms and so he appeared to be no less critical of Obama.

Jackson, who was severely criticized for the remarks by his son, Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., apologized profusely to Obama. Obama accepted his apologies.

Many people seemed shocked at Jackson's use of obscene language. I don't know why they should have been. Over the years, he's used obscenities on a number of occasions. On yesterday's NBC Today, Georgetown University professor Michael Dyson defended Jackson, describing him as a highly moral person. Highly moral? Hey, give us a break - this is a preacher who had a "love child."

What about Obama's admonition to irresponsible black fathers? His remarks are really not intended for the betterment of black folk. They are intended to leave white voters with the impression that he is not the black candidate for president.

As for Jackson, when is the media going to stop giving rabble rousers like him and Al Sharpton a platform from which to spew their phony baloney. When are black folk going to realize that these two reverends are nothing more than a couple of charlatans making their living off of preaching the gospel of black victimhood?

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