Thursday, September 30, 2010


If they can’t find a rival gang member to kill, they will find one of their own.
by Bob Walsh
PACOVILLA Corrections blog
September 28, 2010
That simple phrase was used as an explanation, or even justification, by the pack that stomped a 14-year old to death in Stockton last month. For those not up on the patois, a "buster" is someone who wants to drop out of the gang, presumably one who "busts up" the gang relationship. For many it is a crime, punishable by death. It was for Rin Ros.
The eight accused murderers, ages 14 to 23, were apparently just enforcing the code. All eight are being prosecuted as adults, though they deny they intended to kill Ros.
Their preliminary hearing will take place on October 18th. I strongly suspect they will all be held to answer the charges.
Clicking here will link to an excellent Stockton Record story on this subject.
Note: Alex says, "A ‘buster’ is also a deragatory name for a norteno gang member." And CSJ says, "That’s interesting. At my prison, a Buster is a Norteno (as in sod buster). It’s a term used by South Siders (scraps)."
The Nortenos are a branch of Nuestra Familia, a prison gang of members from Northern California that was formed as a rival to the Southern California members of the Mexican Mafia. A member of this gang is a Norteno (male) or Nortena (female).

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