Questioning John McCain’s heroism clearly goes beyond the pale
When Donald Trump broad brushed illegal Mexican immigrants as people who come to the U.S. to commit crimes, he was criticized by Sen. John McCain for making those remarks. The Donald did not wait long to retaliate.
Appearing on Saturday with other Republican candidates at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, Trump attacked McCain by saying:
“He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
Trump went on to repeat, “He’s a war hero because he was captured.”
How crass of a man who never served a single second in our nation’s armed forces. During the Vietnam War, Trump was the beneficiary of a student deferment from military service first and later was deferred because he had a bad foot.
McCain, on the other hand, flew numerous bombing missions over North Vietnam before he was shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese. During his captivity, the North Vietnamese offered to release McCain for propaganda purposes, but he refused, telling his captors he would not leave untill all the other American POWs had been released.
McCain was a true American hero. How dare Trump question his heroism. And Trump went beyond that when he said, “I like people who weren’t captured.” That was besmirching all POWs.
Trump clearly went beyond the pale. He has refused to apologize for his besmirching remarks.
I know that many of you like Trump for telling it like it is. But come on guys, wake up and smell the roses. The Donald doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting elected president. He may be telling it like he and you think it is, but he’s clearly not getting his facts right. And in his eagerness to get even with McCain, he let his mouth overload his big ass.
Trump has become a wrecking ball that is destroying the slim chances for a Republican to defeat Hillary Clinton.
During the Vietnam War, Trump was deferred for having a bad foot. He claims it was a bone spur, but I wonder if that wasn’t really a case of The Donald suffering from an incurable foot-in-mouth disease.
I don't always agree with the previous democrat John McCain, but he is a true American hero. Donald Trump is not even close to having the character of McCain.
However, I'm curious to see whether Trump can dig himself out of the hole his mouth dug.
Trump stepped in a big steaming pile of dog shit on this one. Now he is walking around trying to pretend his shoes don't smell bad. The perils of shooting from the hip.
As a honorably discharged vet with 6 years of active duty I understand the need for American's to be proud and respect those who served their country honorably and from my perspective someone who was a POW deserves even more respect, up to a point.
My father in law Ralph passed away several years ago at the age of 93 and he was a POW survivor for over 3 years during WW2 on the island of Corrigador P.I., and he survived the "Bataan Death March". We spoke many times in the past specifically about McCain and Ralph had a very specific opinions on McCain the POW & politician. Ralph felt that although McCain survived his captivity honorably he lost the right to be respected for his POW status a long time ago because of failing of all veterans as a politician by allowing the VA to get to the point it still is even today. He felt that McCain's service as a politician has caused more damage to our vets then any good he did as a POW. Ralph felt that McCain gave up on his brothers in arms as a politician along time ago by allowing the VA to become what it is today.
There is no denying that Trump is a clown but the fact is that Trump has done more for Americas vets then McCain has ever done and that is a shame. McCain being a POW survivor means he most certainly deserves the right to his opinions as a vet & a POW (BUT) as a politician his actions and even more importantly his lack of actions as a politician has caused his brothers in arms more damage then any good he ever did for our veterans.
Trump the clown was making a point that McCain has had plenty of time as a politician to fix the VA and how we treat our Vets as a country. McCain the politician has failed his brothers in arms horribly and deserves to be called out on that failure in my opinion. This country is circling the drain from my perspective and in part that failure is because of politicians like McCain who are more concerned with staying in office over doing the right thing.
McCain the politician is and continues to be a dismal failure, he has had many years of opportunity to fix the VA and even today no one has been held accountable for that. IMHO it is unacceptable, or at least it should be unacceptable for the VA to be in the shape it still is and if it takes Trump the clown to say something stupid to wake up our politicians then I am ok with it...
Anon, your father-in-law was a true American hero and I salute him for that. But the fact that he disagreed with Sen. McCain's politics does not diminish McCain's heroism.
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