Monday, October 05, 2015


39 highly dangerous prisoners were transferred to federal prisons in Jalisco, Tamaulipas, Nayarit, and Durango

LaRazon / Borderland Beat
October 3, 2015

Not taking chances of another embarrassment, many high risk prisoners are been moved from Altiplano prison. Since Altiplano has the reputation of the most efficient and secure max prison in Mexico, what are the chances of additional high profile escapes? Before the escape of El Chapo, Altiplano was the only prison in Mexico without a successful prison escape.

The National Safety Commission reported that in cells at Altiplano Prison, the prison El Chapo escaped from, guards found many prohibited items.

The finding of prohibited items in their cells, along with an attempt to disrupt meal time a week ago and groups that had formed inside the prison of Altiplano, were some of the reasons why the National Security Committee (CNS) conducted the transfer of 39 prisoners, highly dangerous criminals to other prisons around the country.

According to information from the CNS, in recent days a group of inmates tried to sabotage the breakfast time, after refusing to eat. They took their trays, rose and began to beat them as if they were drums.

They explained that this action undertaken as a "protest" to an operation that prison authorities made days before and where they seized prohibited items found in their cells, including watches and other devices.

Apparently the prison previously had ignored the regulations which states they are not permitted.

After an investigation into prisoners who were forming and leading small groups within the prison, the CNS decided to make the move to depressurize the prison.

These are the reasons that Abigael González Valencia, El Cuini; Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, El Z40; Rubén Oseguera González, El Menchito; Teodoro García Simental, El Teo, and Omar Treviño Morales, El Z42, among others were transferred on Wednesday to various prisons around the country.

The prisoners were sent to federal prisons in the states of Jalisco, Tamaulipas, Nayarit and Durango.

According to the federal agency reports, following the transfer of these 39 inmates who are considered highly dangerous prisoners, as well as the extradition of another 13 to the United States, also on Wednesday, the current population at Altiplano is now at 900.

Even before the escape of Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, which occurred the night of July 11, the maximum security facility, located in Almoloya de Juarez, State of Mexico, had a population of 1106 prisoners, which exceeded its capacity of 836.

EDITOR’S NOE: I would think that transferring 39 highly dangerous criminals from Mexico’s super-max prison to less secure prisons would make these prisoners an even greater security risk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Mexico the prisoners are really running the prison.