Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Coming home from Walmart, I was listening to that buffoon, Roach Limburger, asking one of his dodohead listeners, "Do you hate me?" He explained that he asked the question because of the current brouhaha over his "I want Obama to fail" remarks. His faithful dodohead replied "No!" When Roach asked why not, the dodohead replied, "Because you are always right." Now that answer is really frightening!

I'll give the devil his due. I believe Roach when he claims that he wants Obama's programs to fail only because he thinks they will destroy America. Now, I do not like some parts of the President's programs - the bank bailouts, the pork in the stimulus package, the proposed dumbing-down of a college education, etc. - but I certainly do not believe that if all of those pass, America will go to hell in a handbasket.

Michael Steele, the new head of the Republican National Committee, criticized Roach for his "fail" remarks, then was quick to apologize to the blowhard for having criticized him. Steele was right in taking Roach to task. Limburger may have millions of dodoheads who believe he is always right, but he is also driving millions of others out of the Republican party and keeping new voters from joining up.

If you will read the book "Malignant Self Love" by Sam Vaknin, you will see Limburger as a typical narcissist. Dr. Vaknin, a world authority on narcissism, cites a number of leaders - Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler and others - as examples of narcissists who had a tremendous influence over their followers. "They created a personality cult around themselves and with their blazing speeches elevated their admirers, filled their hearts with enthusiasm and instilled in their minds a new zest for life. They gave them hope! They promised them the moon, but alas, invariably they brought them to their doom."

When you have someone with a self-inflated ego claiming to speak for the nation's conservatives he will turn more people off than on. But that doesn't mean Limburger lacks power - just look at Steele's quick apology. I am reminded of Adolf Hitler. Roach looks a lot like the Fuhrer, absent of anti-Semitism, and his admirers sound just like Hitler's cheering audiences. When Hitler came to power, his Nazi party members - also dodoheads - constituted a small minority of Germans who believed the Fuhrer was always right.

Hitler managed to obtain the broad support of Germans who were not Nazi party members because he frightened them into believing that the communists were about to destroy Germany. Limburger is frightening a lot of Americans by claiming that Obama's "socialist" programs will destroy America. Is Roach der neue Amerikanischer Fuhrer? I think I just heard some Limburger dodoheads shouting: Heil Roach! Sieg Heil! Heil Roach!

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