Wednesday, March 04, 2009


As some of you know, I do not like abortions, especially those that are performed simply because the expectant mother does not want a(nother) child. But I also believe that the government has no business interjecting itself in the abortioln matter. Obviously, I do not object to abortions for medical purposes. And when it comes to teenagers who get knocked up, I think a case can be made for abortions. It is easy to proclaim, "If you can't feed 'em, don't breed 'em!" But what about all the single pregnant women who do not have the means to support a(nother) child properly?

The Right to Life movement raises and spends tons of dollars lobbying state and national legislators to pass laws outlawing or restricting abortions. At the annual pro-life rally in Austin last January, the governor and other Texas politicians were present to support the demonstrators call for a bill requiring women seeking an abortion to view a sonogram of the fetus. The pro-lifers are good and decent religious folks who believe that life begins at conception and must be protected.

This brings me to Nadya Suleman, the 33-year-old unemployed single mother who recently gave birth to octuplets. This nut-case already is the mother of six other children, three with disabilities, who has been living in her mother's house which is about to be foreclosed on. There is no way that Suleman will be able to care for 14 children once the octuplets are released from the hospital. She has no income and she cannot provide adequate living facilities and care for six children, and certainly not for fourteen of them.

The State of California is already stuck with several million dollars in hospital and doctor bills for the birth and care of the octuplets while they remain in the hospital. There is talk that child protective service authorities may not let Suleman have the octuplets. If they are going to be placed in foster care and put up for adoption they will surely be split apart and that would be a real tragedy. Here is my solution for the care of all the Suleman children.

In order for Nadya Suleman to properly care for 14 children, she will need adequate living facilities. By California standards that means a house costing upwards of a million dollars. The 14 children will require extensive and expensive medical care for the foreseeable future. The household will have a humongous monthly food bill. Baby supplies will also be expensive. The monthly utility bills will be high. So who is going to pay for all that? The State of California? Perhaps, but I have a much better alternative.

The Right to Life movement should spend some of all that money it rakes in to provide for all of the Suleman children's needs, including the purchase of an adequate home, medical expenses, food and baby supplies, utlities and whatever else may become necessary. And individual pro-lifers should volunteer in droves to personally assist nut-case Nadya, a fellow pro-lifer, in raising and caring for all the children. That would be putting their money and personal dedication to good use and ensure that all the siblings will be raised and remain together.

So to all of you well meaning pro-lifers, here are 14 good reasons for you to put up or shut up!

1 comment:

Centurion said...


Those babies could be adopted out, and the physician that neglegently administered the fertility drug to an umemployed mother of six could be required to pay for their care.

As for not wanting the government reaching into our lives, I believe they allready do so in other cases of homicide.

But since you're against intervention, maybe the government could simply stop funding and otherwise encouraging abortion clinics? I mean....public funding certainly is a form of intervention, or at least encouragement, don't you think?