Monday, February 19, 2018


by Bob Walsh

In the formerly great state of California the current law allows law enforcement or a family member to petition the court when they believe someone presents an "immediate danger to themselves or others." If the judge agrees, the person named must surrender any guns they own and can not buy any more for 21 days, as a review is under way.

The new bill would add employers, co-workers, high school and college staff, mental health workers, ex-girlfriends and the crazy neighborhood cat lady to the list. (I just made up those last two. Probably.)

Assemblyman Phil Ting, democrap from San Francisco, is sponsoring the bill, asserting that the bill could have helped teachers and administrators at the high school in Parkland, Florida. I guess he is too much of a dumb fuck to know that California law does not impact Florida.

During calendar year 2016, the first year of the current law, courts issued 86 gun violence restraining orders, mostly in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara counties. It is unknown (or at least they aren't talking about) how many of them were later vacated or overturned.


Trey Rusk said...

If I'm not mistaken, I read where someone in LA had their guns removed because a neighbor complained that he owned too many guns. There was no derelict conduct alleged.

bob walsh said...

That would not surprise me in the least.