Saturday, June 29, 2019


Family of Willie McCoy files civil rights lawsuit after Vallejo deadly police shooting

by Michelle Kingston

June 27, 2019

The family of Willie McCoy, the 20-year-old rapper shot dead by police in Vallejo in February, has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit.

The lawsuit claims McCoy was fired upon 55 times by six officers, while he was sleeping in his car outside a Taco Bell .

Police claim McCoy had a gun in his lap.

The officers involved, the chief of police and the city manager are all named in the lawsuit.

McCoy was slumped over his steering wheel outside a Taco Bell drive thru when police arrived.

McCoy was unresponsive.

You can hear an officer in the body camera footage tell the other officers to shoot McCoy if he moved and to not give him a chance.

McCoy’s family filed a federal civil rights lawsuit Thursday against the vVllejo city manager, the chief of police and the six officers who shot into the car.

They claim the officers did not follow proper policing procedures and failed to develop a plan to safely remove McCoy or the gun from the car despite the fact that the passenger side window was only covered by a thin piece of plastic.

“We as a family have been so shot by the disingenuous nature of the entire city council, city manager, the city attorney,” said Kori McCoy, Willie’s brother.

David Harrison, Willie McCoy’s cousin, is concerned about how quickly the officers were back to work.

“All six officers involved in this shooting were back at work after just three days of paid administrative leave,” he said. “They are back at work before our loved on is buried. It’s a slap in the face to people and this has to stop.”

Civil rights attorney John Burris claims this lawsuit is just one of many incidents of misconduct by Vallejo police.

He’s asking for the federal court to assign a monitor to ensure the department’s compliance with state and federal law.

The City of Vallejo hired an expert to review the shooting and found it to be reasonable and in line with training and practices.

EDITOR’S NOTE: I think it is commendable that all six officers were back on the job just three days after the shooting and before the funeral for Willie was held.

Besides that, I can’t stand that rap shit. They ought to make rap a felony!

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

Polka! Polka! Polka!