Friday, November 15, 2019


by Bob Walsh

A federal judge has ruled that Hoda Muthana, daughter of a former ambassador to the U. S. from Yemen, who left the U.S. and went to join ISIS in 2014, is in fact NOT a U.S. citizen under the law and is not entitled to return to the U.S.

She was born in the U.S. while her father was still an accredited diplomat. That means she is NOT a U.S. citizen. It also means that her father, who stayed in the U.S. after Yemen turned to shit and has now become a naturalized citizen, can not send money to her in the refugee camp where she now lives in Buttcrack, Kurdistan, as that would be a violation of U.S. law and could lose him his citizenship.

I am confident that Ms. Muthana can find another goat fucker to marry and can have a full and rewarding life as a second or third wife, unpaid baby sitter and punching bag. Fuck her and the camel she rode in on. Allahu Akbar.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

Dear Hoda Muthana,

Read this definition and live with it. You miserable cunt.

Regret: a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done.