Saturday, April 13, 2024


OJ Simpson beat Nicole for years... then slit her throat so deep he almost decapitated her. So how utterly vile of the New York Times and its fellow race-baiting rags to memorialize HIM as the victim


By Maureen Callahan


Daily Mail

Apr 12, 2024



Nicole was so desperate, so sure of her imminent murder, that she left a safety deposit box filled with photos of her battered face and body, along with a diary detailing 60 separate incidents of OJ's abuse.

Nicole was so desperate, so sure of her imminent murder, that she left a safety deposit box filled with photos of her battered face and body, along with a diary detailing 60 separate incidents of OJ's abuse. Nicole's body is pictured at the top


If there's one thing you'd think Americans could agree upon 30 years later, it's that OJ Simpson was a wife-beating double-murderer who got away with it.

But the usual mainstream media outlets — the New York Times, NBC, ABC, the L.A. Times, New York magazine and NPR, just to name a few — are eulogizing him as a football legend who suffered greatly in a racist America that nonetheless made him rich, famous, and handed him a not guilty verdict despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Here was the New York Times, in a subhead that ran moments after his death on Thursday:

'He ran to football fame… But his world was ruined after he was charged with killing his former wife and her friend'.

His world was ruined.

The Times did not even name his 'former wife' and 'her friend'.


The usual mainstream media outlets are eulogizing him as a football legend who suffered greatly in a racist America that nonetheless made him rich, famous, and handed him a not guilty verdict despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

The usual mainstream media outlets are eulogizing him as a football legend who suffered greatly in a racist America that nonetheless made him rich, famous, and handed him a not guilty verdict despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Vile. New York Times. Pretty much the same thing.