Thursday, August 30, 2012


Obama administration lied when it reported that Osama bin Laden was armed when shot

‘Mark Owen’, the author of the soon to be released book NO EASY DAY has been identified as Matt Bissonnette, a retired member of U.S. Navy SEAL Team 6. The book is a firsthand account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

The Pentagon, the CIA and The Associated Press have received advanced copies of the book. While the book does reveal some SEAL tactics, it does not appear to have revealed any classified information or deep-dark national security secrets. But the book does contradict the details of the raid as released by the Obama administration.

Obama’s spokespersons claimed that the SEAL team had orders to capture or kill bin Laden. That was a lie! A lawyer from the Pentagon or the White house "made it clear that this wasn't an assassination” and said "I am not going to tell you how to do your job. What we're saying is if he does not pose a threat, you will detain him." But according to Bissonnette, no one else gave such orders and the mission of SEAL Team 6 was to kill bin Laden. While he was lying on the floor with a head wound, several SEAL team members continued to shoot bin Laden until his body stopped twitching.

Obama’s spokespersons said that bin Laden was armed when he was shot. That too was a lie! According to Bissonnette, bin Laden was unarmed. When he poked his head out of a door he was immediately shot.

And Bissonnette says SEALs were not fired upon while they were outside the gate of the compound. There was no 40-minute firefight. And it wasn't true that bin Laden had "time to look into our eyes." He got popped the second he stuck his head out the door.

The Obama administration went out of its way to claim that bin Laden’s body had been treated with dignity before it was given a proper Muslim burial at sea. That too seems to have been a lie. According to Bissonnette, one of his fellow SEALs was using bin Laden as a chair during the helicopter ride out of the compound. And as for giving bin Laden a proper Muslim burial at sea, although he was wrapped in a white shroud, there is nothing I can find in the Muslim faith that approves of disposing a corpse in a body of water.

Let’s face it, bin Laden was dumped into the sea so that his admirers would never be able to recover his body. And that crap about a proper Muslim burial was put forth so as not to offend the Muslim world.

The SEALs joked about Obama taking credit for the raid and that by killing bin Laden, they were reelecting him for a second term. But in fairness to Obama, any president probably would have taken credit for the raid had it occurred under his watch.

I am sure the Obama administration lied in order to convey to the world that the United States does not assassinate terrorists like the Israelis do. But since bin Laden’s assassination, we’ve assassinated a bunch of al Qaeda and Taliban leaders in Pakistan and al Qaeda leaders in Yemen with our CIA drone attacks. And I see absolutely nothing wrong with that!

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

A politican lied? When was the last time that happened?