Friday, August 24, 2012


Empire State Building shooting shows fallacy of gun control

Today’s shooting in NYC ended up with the death of a workplace executive who had fired the shooter last year, the death of the shooter and the wounding of nine innocent bystanders.

Let me start out by saying that I find absolutely no fault with the cops. When they confronted the shooter, he pointed his pistol at them. They had no choice but to fire their guns at him. One officer fired nine rounds and the other officer fired seven rounds at the shooter. Had they withheld their fire, one or both of them could have been killed.

Unfortunately, when the cops fired at the shooter on a crowded NY sidewalk, nine innocent bystanders were wounded. The good news is that none of them suffered any life-threatening injuries. Most of the wounds were caused by a spray of bullet and concrete fragments.

The armchair police critics will slam the cops for firing 16 rounds, but if I were still a cop and a suspect pointed a firearm at me, I would fire my gun and continue shooting until that sucker was down and out!

Mayor Michael Bloomberg is one of the nation’s most ardent gun control advocates. Every time there is a mass shooting anywhere in the country you can see him on TV and in the print media calling for restrictions on gun ownership. If Bloomberg had his way, he would shred the Second Amendment. Even though New York has the nation’s strictest gun controls, people are getting shot in the Big Apple every day, which just goes to show the fallacy of Bloomberg’s gun control advocacy.

Since a fusillade of police gunfire wounded nine innocent bystanders on a crowded sidewalk, by Bloomberg’s way of thinking about the havoc guns play in our society, it might be time to disarm the NY mayor's cops.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

The answer if clear. This shooting was triggered by the shooter being fired. Clearly it should be illegal to fire anyone in New York City. Problem solved.