Friday, March 01, 2013


One of my liberal friends - and I mean really liberal - was so intent on defending Biden that he didn’t even take note of what the vice president said in his advice to women: “Get a double-barreled shotgun. Have the shells in the 12 gauge shotgun." Here is what Cecil wrote:

__BGB doesn't know guns from shit. No one said get a 12 ga. a .410 will do, and a shotgun won't shoot through multiple walls and kill your neighbor. As for the advice, a .410 will work as well as a 12. I would recommend a 20 if it were me. But if it makes you happy, a claymore or hand grenade don't recoil when you set them off.

My response: Sorry, but you're the one that's wrong. Biden said, “Get a double-barreled shotgun. Have the shells in the 12 gauge shotgun." He said 12 gauge!

I also posted this piece on PACOVILLA. Here are some responses:

Mary said: Seriously I weigh 110 pounds…on a good day. When I shoot a single barrel shotgun I feel like it is ripping my shoulder out of the socket. A shotgun is the last thing I would buy for my personal protection. I love the AR15. It is so much easier to use, I feel bad for the women out there that might actually take his lame advice and go out and buy a double barrel shotgun for themselves.

Dick Kirby said: My sister who is a lifetime shooter and hunter cannot take the beating from a pump or side by side 12 gauge anymore even with the lightest loads. . She likes the M4 carbine with frangible loads for home defense now.

And best of all, Fred said: Biden should stick to what he knows best - nothing!

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