Sunday, October 13, 2013


‘People driving under the influence of pot should scare us all’

While I was getting my flu shot at a Walgreens pharmacy, the pharmacist and I got into a brief discussion about marijuana. He was in his late twenties, or possibly in his early thirties. Because various polls of people in his age group have consistently shown they favor the legalization of pot, I was surprised by his comments.

The pharmacist agreed with me that marijuana should not be legalized because pot is far from innocuous. Instead he agreed that marijuana is truly dangerous because it is the gateway drug to the use of drugs like cocaine, heroin, meth and the so-called designer drugs. But what bothers him most is people driving their cars under the influence of pot.

“The people driving under the influence of pot should scare us all,” he said. “Wherever marijuana is legalized, that is going to be a real problem. These are dangerous drivers. The attention required to drive safely is not going to be there and their reaction time is going to be seriously impaired. But worst of all, people under the influence of pot have a lackadaisical ‘don’t give a shit’ attitude, a behavioral trait no one behind the wheel should ever have. You sure don’t want to meet up on the road with a driver like that.”

The pharmacist also questioned the validity of marijuana use for medical purposes. He thinks that the advocacy of medical marijuana is one gigantic con-job perpetrated by the pro-pot crowd and those expecting to get rich from growing, selling and prescribing pot.

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