Monday, November 24, 2014


Woman accidentally kills herself with a gun bought to defend herself against violent protestors

Becca Campbell, 26, and her unnamed 33-year-old boyfriend bought a gun to protect themselves from the violent protests they feared would break out if the Ferguson grand Jury fails to indict Darren Wilson.

On Friday night the couple was driving in downtown St. Louis. According to the police, as the boyfriend was driving, Becca playfully waved the gun around while joking “Ready for Ferguson.” When she pointed the gun in his direction, the boyfriend ducked and – oops – struck the rear end of another car. The crash caused – double oops – the gun to discharge, the bullet – triple oops – striking her in the head.

The ‘Ready for Ferguson’ woman was rushed to a hospital where she croaked.

The cops are looking into the possibility that the boyfriend shot Becca.

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