Wednesday, December 10, 2014


By Bob Walsh

PACOVILLA Corrections blog
December 9, 2014

The exact timing of when you commit your crime can be of vital importance as a general-purpose low life from San Leandro recently found out.

Jade Anderson was convicted of murder, a conviction that was just upheld by the courts. That is costing her 25-to-life. She was hanging out with two other low-lifes, Mario Gonzalez and Barry Gonzalez, in a motel room in San Leandro in 2001. There was some sort of a beef and Mario choked out Barry. While Barry was unconscious but still alive, Ms. Anderson took his wallet and cell phone from him. Had she waited until he died, she would have been guilty of simple theft. Since she robbed him while he was still alive, and he subsequently died, she was found guilty of first degree murder. Reality sucks.

The Ninth Circuit upheld her conviction, even though she had asked for a lawyer and after that she confessed to the cops that Barry was alive when she rolled him. It seems that the interrogating cop legitimately did not hear her lawyer request, and even if they didn’t it is covered by the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act that Bill Clinton signed into law in 1996.

Ms. Anderson seems to be ass-out. She will, however, continue to contribute to the employment of civil-service correctional officers for years to come. I think that’s sweet.

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