Thursday, December 26, 2013


By Bob Walsh

PACOVILLA Corrections blog
December 24, 2013

A pro-pot group is now authorized to begin gathering signatures to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in the formerly great state of California. I doubt very much they will have any trouble gathering 500,000 signatures to get it on the ballot. If it does get there, I expect it to pass. I also think it will be a bad thing, at least until some valid testing is developed to parallel current alcohol testing for levels of impairment.

It will, of course, still be in violation of federal law. This will cause all sorts of problems for people with occupations issues for impairment, like cops, aircraft pilots, commercial drivers, etc. The perils of conflicting laws.

EDITOR’S NOTE: If the recreational use of pot passes as Bob predicts, the Justice Department and DEA will not enforce the federal laws barring the manufacture, distribution and possession of marijuana as long as a Democrat occupies the White House. You can bet that in Washington and Colorado, which are the first two states to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, the USDJ and DEA will be sitting on their collective asses while the pot growers and sellers get filthy rich.

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