Thursday, December 26, 2013


Stratfor Global Intelligence
December 25, 2013

From French troops going into Mali and North Korea threatening to bomb the United States, to Hugo Chavez’s death, the Egyptian president's ouster, and Russia’s smart move to “save the world” from another U.S.-Middle Eastern war – 2013 was a very eventful year, and its effects will continue to be felt around the world.

We promise that 2014 will also be a momentous year of global events.

Top 5 Trends That Will Shape 2014

An enduring detente between Iran and the United States

The rise of nationalist and extremist parties in Europe

Russia and Germany bargain over Central/Eastern Europe and energy policy

China's return to strongman politics

Domestic turmoil and economic stress in India and Turkey

The United States will attempt to balance power in the Middle East through its strategic negotiations with Iran; the rise of nationalist and euroskeptic parties will be felt in this upcoming year’s elections; the Chinese president will continue to consolidate more power under himself. Barely missing the list but still notable: the end of the FARC insurgency in Colombia, escalating violence in Nigeria, and Mexico's return to political gridlock.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Russian and Germany bargaining? I remember an old joke from when East and West Germany got back together. It goes like this. "Did you hear they newly reunited Germany has picked a new capitol city." "No, where did they pick?" "Paris." Gee, maybe it isn't so funny after all.