Thursday, July 14, 2016


This latest obsession boils down to a further dumbing down of Americans

All of a sudden, it seems as though everyone who has a smart phone is fixiated on the Pokemon Go game. People are running into each other, into obstructions, tripping over steps, falling over the edge, and may be getting run over by cars or crashing their cars. Those Pokemon games are keeping emergency rooms busy.

Visit any college campus and you will see students and their professors occupied with playing Pokemon Go. Whereas American university offer such worthless majors as Women’s Studies; Gender Studies; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Studies; African-American Studies, etc., it is not unreasonable to believe that some of our universities will soon be offering a degree in Pokemon Go Studies.

This latest obsession boils down to a further dumbing down of Americans. We have a presidential election coming up in November and are left with the God awful choice of voting either for a crook and perpetual liar or a big-mouth nutjob. A nation obsessed with Pokemon Go deserves a Clinton or Trump.

The game was developed by the Japanese. If everyone would have had a smart phone during WW2, Japan would have easily won the war by bombarding the U.S. and its allies with Pokemon, thereby leaving us stupefied and not interested in defending ourselves, just determined to win at Pokemon Go.

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