Thursday, July 14, 2016


By Bob Walsh

Something that could have MAJOR downstream significance for Hillary Clinton and her email situation is about to happen, and it will probably be worth watching.

As you may know Judicial Watch has been hammering away at Hillary about the whole private email thing. Which is worthy of note is that the State Department has finally acknowledged for the record that Mrs. Clinton’s creative use of a private email server was “not an appropriate method of preserving federal records or making them available for searches under the FOIA.”

It is also significant that Hillary is now asserting via a private “claim of right” over the material that was sent on her private email account, including those items that she acknowledged were federal records and turned over to the State Department.

The State Department is now claiming that none of their staff should be compelled to be deposed by Judicial Watch because nobody there knew anything about Mrs. Clinton’s non-governmental system.

Mrs. Clinton is, conversely, claiming that EVERYBODY at State knew about it.

The FBI agreed yesterday (07-12) that they would turn over the recovered Clinton emails to the State Department.

A federal judge will determine, possibly as early as next week, whether or not the Hildebeast will be required to give testimony about her private email system.

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