Saturday, July 09, 2016


By Bob Walsh

The State Department announced today (07-07) that they are restarting the internal investigation into the Hillary Clinton email situation that they discontinued three months ago so as not to pee on the FBI parade.

It is, however, going to be nothing but a great big circle jerk. All of the people that came in at a political appointee level with the Hildebeast are now gone. The only thing the State Department can do at this stage is revoke their security clearances, with they no longer have anyway (presumably) as they no longer have any need to know.

I did notice that expert tap-dancer Comey, when asked about an investigation into the Clinton Crime Family Foundation, said “I can neither confirm nor deny…”. So it is BARELY POSSIBLE that something will splash down in that arena, but I am not holding my breath. Comey is clearly trying so hard to not find anything to indict the Hildebeast for that, if he does in fact find anything, he will probably give himself a hernia trying to hide it.

Clearly the FBI director is so scared shitless of doing anything to possibly derail a presidential election that I can’t imagine anything further coming of this, even if they find emails, video and six nuns as eyewitnesses.

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