Monday, August 15, 2016


Apparently, even when the cop himself is black, to some blacks it’s just as bad for a cop to shoot an armed black man as it is for a white cop to shoot an unarmed one.

Sylville Smith, 23, fled a traffic stop Saturday afternoon. When the cops caught up to him, he displayed a gun. When he refused to drop it, the black man was shot dead by a black cop. Smith’s gun, which contained 23 rounds, turned out to have been stolen.

The shooting led to rioting with rocks, bricks and bottles being hurled at the cops and during which police cars were destroyed and cars and buildings set on fire. One cop was injured. Surprisingly only three rioters were arrested.

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Smith was charged in February 2015 in a shooting and then charged again, with trying to intimidate a witness in that same shooting. He was charged with first-degree recklessly endangering safety and with witness intimidation, but the charges were dismissed, court records show.

Things are really getting bad when a black cop, instead of a white one, cannot shoot even an armed black man.

What pisses me off is that the cops only arrested three out of more than a hundred rioting scumbags. I wonder if they fear that by arresting rioters they will only make a bad situation worse.


Anonymous said...

Milwaukee's black population faces 32% unemployment, urban decay, fatherless families with no positive role models and an overall breakdown of moral values. Yet according to our president it's the police's fault that the city is in social turmoil and burning.

BarkGrowlBite said...

What?! You don't believe our president? Ach du lieber!