Saturday, August 26, 2017


by Bob Walsh

The attempt to "reform" the bail system in CA has failed, at least for this legislative year, according to Governor Moonbeam.

Right now the formerly great state of California has the same bail system as most of the rest of the country. If you are arrested for a bailable offense you can (if you are lucky and rich) post bail out of your own funds, or you contact a bail agent. He gets 10% of the bail amount (sometimes only 8%) which he keeps and he then guarantees your appearance. If you no-show he goes after whatever collateral you may have put up against the bail amount (often real estate) and puts bounty hunters out after your happy ass to drag you into court.

It isn't wonderful, especially if you are poor or even lower middle class, but it sort-of works. And it will continue to sort-of work in the formerly great state of California, at least for the nonce.

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