Saturday, February 10, 2018


by Bob Walsh

That well-known asshole and sleazeball, Harvey Weinstein, may actually be in legal trouble due to his assholeishness.

Good old Harvey, who is a close personal friend of both Oprah and Hillary, is the subject of three complaints that have been forwarded by the LAPD to the D. A. with regards to sexual misconduct. They may (or may not) go after his disgusting ass.

That is the problem with Harvey. From what I understand he is basically an unlikeable person who was tolerated because of his wealth and power. Once his star started to crash there was virtually nobody who was interested in backing his play. Anybody who he ever felt up or weenie-waved is now lining up to nail his schlong to the courthouse door. And they may make it stick. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

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