Monday, June 11, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Darrell Steinberg is, in his current incarnation, the Alcalde of Sacramento. He is a professional politician and has been lapping it up somewhere from the public trough for most of his life.

The People's Republic of California already has the highest sales taxes, gas taxes and income taxes in the country. Steinberg wants an additional 1 cent sales tax in order to better "address issues of economic and social disparity."

Back in 2012 the voters of Sacramento approved a 1/2 cent sales tax increase to fund police, fire fighters and parks. That tax expires next year and the greedy bastard is just hearbroken that he may not be able to continue to suck MORE money of the 150 or so people in Sacramento who are net tax payers.

The new tax would be permanent and would bump the Sacramento combined state and city sales tax to 8.75%. The proposal will be on the November ballot.

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