Thursday, January 23, 2020


by Bob Walsh

Doing a very sharp 180 on Tuesday night HIllary backed away from an interview with THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER last Wednesday that strongly said that she would not support Bernie even if he is nominated. In the earlier statement she also went after the Bernie Bros, especially for their "relentless attacks on women." She also added that "nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he gets nothing done."

Obviously nobody really thinks that Hillary WANTS Bernie to get the nomination, but it does not do her or the party any good to have her appear as a churlish, shrewish psychobitch (even if that is her actual persona).

Nick Merrill, Clinton's spokeshole, asserted on her behalf that "we all need to work out heart out for the nominee,whoever that is, and @HillaryClinton, as usual, will be no excetion." Nobody noted if his nose grew longer or if monkeys were flying out of his ass when he tweeted it.

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