Eight times as many blacks as whites are killed by guns
The January 1 issue of The New York Times had a column by David Cole, a Georgetown University professor of constitutional law and criminal justice, in which he claims that blacks are paying for our right to bear arms.
Here is an excerpt from Cole’s column:
__Last year Chicago had some 500 homicides, 87 percent of them gun-related. In the city’s public schools, 319 students were shot in the 2011-12 school year, 24 of them fatally. African-Americans are 33 percent of the Chicago population, but about 70 percent of the murder victims.
__The same is true in other cities. In 2011, 80 percent of the 324 people killed in Philadelphia were killed by guns, and three-quarters of the victims were black.
__Racial disparities in gun violence far outstrip those in almost any other area of life. Black unemployment is double that for whites, as is black infant mortality. But young black men die of gun homicide at a rate eight times that of young white men. Could it be that the laxity of the nation’s gun laws is tolerated because its deadly costs are borne by the segregated black and Latino populations of North Philadelphia and Chicago’s South Side?
So now we’ve come to the point where left-wing anti-gun academics are playing the race card. My heart really bleeds for those young black men gunned down in their prime in dark alleys as Cole describes it. Apparently Professor Cole is less concerned about the deaths of 20 first and second graders at the hands of a crazed gunman than he is about a racist society that tolerates the shootings of gangbangers by gangbangers.
Hear ye, hear ye, God save America’s black men from those racist guns!
1 comment:
It is all George Bush's fault anyway.
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