Sunday, September 29, 2013


Investigators now believe the partial building collapse of Nairobi's Westgate shopping mall during the Al Shabaab siege was caused by Kenyan soldiers firing rocket propelled grenades inside the mall.

Now that’s a great big oops! Kenyan authorities still do not know how many innocent shoppers were buried in the pile of rubble left by the rocket propelled grenades.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

The definition of "protect and serve" varies from location to location. I remember years ago talking to Tommy Campbell, who at the time was a trainer for S&W. He had recently gone to Turkey to do some training with their police. Shortly before there had been a take-over bank robbery in Ankara. Over there the police often carry SMGs as a primary weapon. The cops charged into the bank, yelled GET DOWN once, and shot everybody who remained standing. They indeed shot the robbers, and about 8 customers who were too slow on their feet. Different places, different standards.