Former NY Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik says Al Sharpton ‘inflames, he incites, he antagonizes and his rhetoric is one of the things that fuels these protests that turn into riots’
With great fanfare, the White House announced that President Obama would be hosting a meeting Monday with Vice President Joe Biden, the Cabinet, civil rights leaders, and law enforcement officials among others, to discuss the racial unrest in Ferguson. And one of those invited is race baiter and anti-Semite Al Sharpton, the President’s ‘go to guy’ on race matters. I wonder if Sharpton will announce “No Justice, No peace” to Obama and the other attendees. “No Justice, No Peace,” the motto of his National Action Network, in and of itself is a call for violent protests.
With the president relying on a charlatan like Sharpton for advice, no wonder the Obama administration’s policies are in shambles.
Former NY Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik accuses Sharpton of making matters worse in Ferguson by his rhetoric which ‘fuels protests that turn into riots.’
By Courtney Coren
December 1, 2014
Bernard Kerik, former commissioner of the NYPD, says that he's "disappointed" in Al Sharpton for the role he's played in the fallout of the shooting of black teenager Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson.
"As a civil rights leader, the number one civil right in this country is for people to live in communities safe and sound," Kerik told J.D. Hayworth on "America's Forum" on Newsmax TV Monday.
"What he does is inflames, he incites, he antagonizes and his rhetoric is one of the things that fuels these protests that turn into riots," he explained.
"People are calling these people peaceful protesters out in Ferguson, and they're not," he said. "What I've seen are riots — arsonists, burglaries, robberies, violent behavior, violent assaults — those aren't peaceful protesters.
"Every time Al Sharpton gets up there and spews his rhetoric, that's what we see as a result," he added.
Kerik asks why Sharpton isn't in "Chicago when they have 82 people shot on a weekend, predominantly with the most of them black" and "other urban communities where black-on-black crime is completely off the charts?"
1 comment:
Al Sharpton is a pimp. He pimps himself. He is also a disgusting turd and a tax cheat and the God-King Barack I keeps kissing his ass. Maybe Barack feels guilty that he didn't experience the true black experience having been raised in Indonesia and he wants someone who can help him relate. Or maybe Barack is just a week-willed asshole. Of course the two are not mutually exclusive.
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