The Nation of Islam leader called for violent retaliation against cops 28 days before NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were assassinated
It appears that Louis Farrakhan now hates cops as much as he hates Jews. And guess who Farrakhan got to visit on January 28, 2010 – it was President Obama in the East Room of the White House.
By John Blosser
January 2, 2015
Just 28 days before two New York police officers were brutally gunned down in retaliation for the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan called for violent retaliation against white police.
"As long as they (white police) kill us and go to Wendy’s and have a burger and go to sleep, they’ll keep killing us," Farrakhan ranted, "but when we die and they die, then soon we’re going to sit at a table and talk about it," The Daily Caller reported Farrakhan told 2,000 cheering audience members at a Baltimore college on Nov. 22.
"We’re tired! We want some of this earth or we’ll tear this goddamn country up!"
On Dec. 20, self-described Muslim Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley murdered NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos in their patrol car and later killed himself, The New York Times reports.
Farrakhan was speaking at taxpayer-funded Morgan State University (MSU) in Baltimore, and cited a "law of retaliation" in both the Bible and the Muslim Koran.
He called white people "crackers" and said in his two-hour speech that "they (whites) know an explosion is going to come. You leaders are the worst. Tonight in Ferguson everyone is on edge. White folks ain’t never been on edge after they’ve killed a black man. Tonight they’re on edge — so on edge that our president has come out from behind the curtain to ask black young people, 'cool it,' " the Nation of Islam newspaper, the Final Call, reported.
"But the young, they're God's children, and they're not going down being peaceful. Listen, listen, watch now, because once it starts, it's on. You may not want to fight, but you better get ready. Teach your babies how to throw the bottle if they can't fight. We're going to die anyway — lets die for something," Farrrakhan said.
"His mere presence at Morgan State University serves to confer legitimacy upon a person whose views should make him a pariah," Jay Bernstein, host of a Jewish radio show, Shalom USA, told the Baltimore Sun.
The Daily Caller notes that 40 students from the Booker T. Washington Middle School, between 11-15 years old, were taken to hear Farrakhan's speech, as well as a speech by Pam Africa, one-time Black Panther defense minister and founder of a group fighting to free convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, and Marshall Eddie Conway, former defense minister of the Baltimore Black Panther Party.
The Student Government Association of MSU sponsored Farrakhan's speech at a conference on reparations for slavery.
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