Thursday, March 02, 2017


by Bob Walsh

It seems that it is likely that Oakland CA Fire Chief Teresa Deloach Reed may be the latest casualty of the Ghost Ship warehouse rave fire that killed 36 people on December 2 of last year.

Chief Reed has been pretty much invisible since the immediate aftermath of that fire. She has possibly been looking for a pair of asbestos panties to help insulate her from the heat of the fallout from that fire. Despite several police calls and a couple of code enforcement calls at that location there is no record of a fire department inspection of that premise in the last 20 years.

Chief Reed is 59 and next week will have her pension in Oakland vested. She will be able to retire this coming Monday with a 15% pension based on her five years of service. She still draws a significant pension from her gig in San Jose. Chief Reed was the first black female to head a major fire department in the U. S.

It is not clear who would replace her. The #2 at the department, Chief Hoffman, has 37 years on the job and maxed out his pension seven years ago. He is WAY PAST his KMA point and will certainly not hang around if he doesn't want to.

Inside sources say Chief Reed feels she was thrown under the bus by the current city administration. She was hired by the previous mayor.

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