Saturday, August 15, 2020


With Luck There Will Be Many More

by Bob Walsh

Kevin Clinesmith used to be a lawyer for the FBI.  He isn't any more, and very likely will not even be a lawyer any more once this little excursion is over.

Clinesmith is going to be pleading guilty to what is essentially fraud on the FISA court.  He "adjusted" a document to make it read 180 degrees off of its actual intent.  When the feebs were investigating Carter Page he told them he had been working for the CIA.  The feebs contacted the CIA and they send back an email confirming Page's association with them.  Clinesmith altered the document so it said that Page had NOT been working for them.  Then the FBI, knowing at the time that the Steele Dossier was bullshit, used this stuff to go after Carter Page and indirectly Donald Trump.

Durham has essentially been investigating the Russia investigation and this is the first actual indictment to come from his shop in this matter.  I find it hard to believe that a dweeb of an FBI lawyer, even one that clearly hated Trump (those damn pesky emails again) had the balls to commit fraud against the court all on his own.  

I know that hope clouds reason, but it sure would be nice if this is the first turd in a huge shitball that is going to roll right down onto the Deep State and the Obama-Biden-Hillary crowd a few weeks before the election. 

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