Sunday, August 09, 2020


US intelligence officials say Russia and China are meddling in the election, with Russia reying to boost Trump and China trying to boost Biden

By Howie Katz

On Friday, the US intelligence community issued a statement alleging that Russia, China and Iran are interfering in this country's presidential election.

Russia is trying to get Trump reelected.  China is trying to get Biden elected.  Iran is trying to have Trump defeated.

China and Iran obviously see Biden as much less of an adversary than Trump.  Russia was a critic of Biden when he was vice president.

The three nations are mainly using social media to spread misinformation about Trump and Biden.

Go Russia go!


Bryan Licht said...

The Russians have dealt with trump and know him to be a weak incompetent tool that they can manipulate and use. They can keep encouraging the killing of American troops in Afghanistan with impunity and trump does not even bother mentioning it when he meets Putin before getting on his knees to fellate him.

The Iranians and China just want to get rid of the sanctions.

bob walsh said...

That is one way of looking at it. Probably even looks reasonable if you are taking the view with your head up your ass.